.uk WHOIS2

At a glance

  • The WHOIS2 service enables WHOIS gateways/proxies to query our WHOIS database without being blocked for excessive use (subject to AUP)
  • It must only be used as a gateway for end users making a live WHOIS query
  • This service is only available by subscription, but it is free of charge.
  • The service can only be used for those who run websites that allow third parties to carry out WHOIS lookups.


The WHOIS2 service enables WHOIS gateways/proxies to query the WHOIS database without being blocked for excessive use.   It must only be used as a gateway for end users who are making a live WHOIS query. It is designed in such a way that our anti-abuse mechanisms can recognise and block users who try to abuse our systems by using multiple gateways.

It operates in a different way to the WHOIS protocol by including the address and hostname of the user who has made the request via the gateway. It allows the operator of a WHOIS proxy to provide a higher volume service than they could by querying the ordinary WHOIS.

The service is available on a subscription only basis.  When you subscribe you will need to provide Nominet with the IP address of your gateway.


This service is intended for those who run websites (or similar WHOIS proxies) that allow third parties to perform WHOIS lookups. You may not use the WHOIS2 service in such a way that you are both the end user and the WHOIS gateway.


The service is currently provided free of charge.

How to Apply

To apply for access to the WHOIS2 please use the online application form.

You must also confirm that you accept the Terms and Conditions of the WHOIS2 contract.


Clause 3 of the Terms and Conditions sets out query limits and rules about the format of the queries, and refers to the limits in the Acceptable Use Policy.

Clause 4 explains what you can do with the information you receive which includes the general WHOIS terms.

The main purpose of the WHOIS2 is to provide a way for you to make a WHOIS lookup service available to your customers.

Please note that the WHOIS2 service is not intended to be used for your own personal use. Clause 4.1 of the contract states that you may not use the WHOIS2 service in such a way that you are both the end user and the WHOIS gateway, nor may you falsify the client data that is sent to us.

The IP addresses used for the gateway must be registered with us through your online service account.

Minerva House, Edmund Halley Road, Oxford Science Park, OX4 4DQ, United Kingdom